CSS Utility Classes Border

Use border utilities to quickly apply border styles to an element. Great for images, buttons, or any other element.

Adding Border

Inkline provides a set of utility classes to easily apply borders to all sides or individually to specific sides of an element.

  • _border-top - Adds a border to the top side of the element
  • _border-right - Adds a border to the right side of the element
  • _border-bottom - Adds a border to the bottom side of the element
  • _border-left - Adds a border to the left side of the element
  • _border - Adds a border to all sides of the element

Removing Border

Inkline provides a set of utility classes to easily remove borders from all sides or individually from specific sides of an element.

  • _border-top:0 - Removes the border from the top side of the element
  • _border-right:0 - Removes the border from the right side of the element
  • _border-bottom:0 - Removes the border from the bottom side of the element
  • _border-left:0 - Removes the border from the left side of the element
  • _border:0 - Removes the border from all sides of the element

Border Color

Inkline provides a set of utility classes to easily add specific border colors to all sides or individually to specific sides of an element.

  • _border-top-color:{color} - Sets the border color for top side of the element
  • _border-right-color:{color} - Sets the border color for right side of the element
  • _border-bottom-color:{color} - Sets the border color for bottom side of the element
  • _border-left-color:{color} - Sets the border color for left side of the element
  • _border-color:{color} - Sets the border color for all sides of the element

Border Radius

Inkline provides a set of utility classes to easily add specific border radiuses to all corners or individually to specific corners of an element.

  • _border-top-left-radius:{radius} - Sets the border radius for top left corner of the element
  • _border-top-right-radius:{radius} - Sets the border radius for top right corner of the element
  • _border-bottom-right-radius:{radius} - Sets the border radius for bottom right corner of the element
  • _border-bottom-left-radius:{radius} - Sets the border radius for bottom left corner of the element
  • _border-radius:{radius} - Sets the border radius for all corners of the element

  • _border-top-left-radius:0 - Removes the border radius from top left corner of the element
  • _border-top-right-radius:0 - Removes the border radius from top right corner of the element
  • _border-bottom-right-radius:0 - Removes the border radius from bottom right corner of the element
  • _border-bottom-left-radius:0 - Removes the border radius from bottom left corner of the element
  • _border-radius:0 - Removes the border radius from all corners of the element